Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Bums on the left.

George: Is that Frank over there?

Jim: Looks like it.

John Sure don’t look like the Frank I’m fond of-always smiling that one. What a joker that frank!

(Forth bum stumbles on the scene with a bottle)

Jim: Cap’in!
(captin takes a swig and passes it to jim, who falls backwards drinking it)

Good to see you!

Cap’n: (sitting jim up, taking back the bottle) it aint’ that good.

George: Say, whatcha think got in our frank over there?

John: (adding in) He’s always one for a laugh, and now has been sulking over there
all evenin’ . Didn’t even say hello to us... (others shake heads)

Cap’n: Was drinking with him at Marien’s place, down on grant. Got an EAR FULL! And I’ll be the one to tell you boys!
There isn’t any beauty left in this world, all broken promises woven together by those poets and idealist-getting our hopes up, talking like we’re more than dirt on this earth. We’re all crooks, out to get what we think we want from each other without a thought to the egg shells we be stomping on. (looks up sarcastically)love - the biggest poetic lie of them all- and I’ll tell it to you boys! Like I promised…

(he pauses looking for words than holding up his bottle points at it endearingly)

Love, it goes down like a good burbon, burning warm, ticking, getting you silly then leaves you with a hurtin head somewheres you have no idear how you got! A lucky
few sober up and like what they see, some can stand it, and for the rest of us… well theres whiskey!

(takes a big gulp)

John: aw quit jabbing and tell it to us straight! Always off ranting, and raving this one.

Captain: see there aint no beauty left, an old man can’t even tell his damn story! (straitening up) Well I’ll tell it to you boys… ya know that red head frank’s always gumming about?

Geroge: some jenny girl, what about her?

Captain: she married rich, left him and big dreams to waste away alone in that house he worked his life for. She said she’d meet him out here, said she’d go anywhere, said all he had to do was call. Well he called, and you see her here? No point in dreaming. He's just sulking looking out over the bay, I’m telling you no beauty left in this world, and I’m the one to tell you boys! Not a speck.
(gulps down the whiskey)


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